
Sep 1, 2024 | 2024 Fall - Child Free, Poetry

By H. Roth

I could easily exhaust myself
arguing all the finely mapped out reasons
I do not want to be a mother

Ranging from the hazy
hard to pin down and defend
                 I do not want to
through the agonies and threatened infertility of endometriosis
tracing the intertwined, encroaching vines
of intergenerational trauma
which I am still struggling to extricate myself from
decades later
finishing with my aunt’s death
which is still too raw and exposed a nerve
to probe too deeply
and topped by a desire to reduce the risk of ovarian cancer
my anxiety only slightly reduced by negative BRCA testing

I am summarily blessed with a surgeon
who requires no argument or explanation
when I request a bilateral salpingectomy
shocked into a stumbling silence
my list of reasons dies an abandoned, neglected death

The morning of the surgery, misplaced paperwork necessitates
signing consent a third time
I sign and sign and sign

H. Roth is a poet and writer who works in palliative care. Her writing explores themes of grief, loss, and hope. She lives in Alberta, Canada. 

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