Am I Bi (Sexual) Enough for (What?)

Jul 15, 2021 | 2013 Fall - Bisexual Enough?, Poetry

By Francesca Bongiorno Fortunato

Am I
sexual enough
to strut my stuff
with the Queer Choir?
Or even (SIGH)
aspire higher?
Would you dismiss
me if I kiss this Miss
but not that Mister?
Shall I qualify
as Thy
bi sister?
When I was married to a man
they ran
me out of the sorority,
without a by-your-leave.
‘Though it did grieve
me to achieve
Now, in stability,
with one fine lady wife,
this life
seems more conducive
to the formerly elusive
in-ness with the Out Crowd.
Out and proud
since Day One
I have only just begun
to highlight
my Bi Light
in a way that can be seen
beyond the see-and-be-scene
of Pride Sunday.
Maybe one day
I might be
bisexual enough to free
the one, multiplicitous
blithely monogamous
not-quite nefarious

The Rev. Francesca Bongiorno Fortunato is a minister, writer/ poet, performing artist and Extreme Cat Person. She lives in Brooklyn, NY with her wife, Lynn and their feline employers, Alice and Gracie.

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