Category: 2023 Fall – Bi+ Joy


By strega clare manning slurping soft udon before we use our warm lips to utter the word “bi,” in the backseat of your car, idling in front of my dorm. the roots wrapped around my aorta would not budge until i dared to water...

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Budding Bisexual Disaster

By Annalies Mohle I want boys to think I’m tough and the girls to think I’m pretty And I want them all to think I’m smart and fun and witty This much self-consciousness is maybe vanity but I’m fifteen, so it’s allowed Let me...

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To My First

By Kasma An open letter to the first female crush I ever had as a bisexual woman.  I still remember back in seventh grade when I met you again. We had known each other sometime back in first grade, but I don’t think you...

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Bi Women Quarterly

Bi Women Quarterly is a grassroots publication originally produced by the Boston Bisexual Women’s Network and now an independent project. We have been in continuous publication since 1983, and are the oldest bisexual+ women’s publication in the world, with a global readership.

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Winter 2025: Teachers and Mentors

Spring 2025: Pieces of the Puzzle

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Our annual fundraising campaign is NOW. Please visit us on our Give Out Day page and make a donation to support our work. If you do, we will be deeply grateful.  Here’s the link:

Looking for community?

Bi+ identified folks of all genders are welcome to join us at our next Bi+ World Meetup. These happen online every 3 months at 8pm UTC/ 4pm EST.  Next one is May 31. Info:

And bi+ identified women & nonbinary folks are invited to join us at our monthly “Digital Brunches.” The next ones are Saturday, June 1st, Sunday, July 7th, and Saturday, August 3rd at 5pm UTC/1pm EST. Info:

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