Editor’s Note: Bi + World Wide Web

Dec 8, 2023 | 2024 Winter - Bi+ World Wide Web, Editor's Note

The prompt for this issue on the theme of “Bi+ World Wide Web” was: “The internet can be a place of community and love, as well as potential danger and fear. We invite your thoughts, reflections, experiences, and dreams related to the internet in bi+ peoples’ lives. How has the internet, including social media, been a place of discovery and communion? How has it provided escape from the “offline” world? How has it been lacking as a place of safety and support? What potential changes would make it a positive and useful space for all bi+ people?” 

Responses were thoughtful, numerous, and came from a record number of countries. This issue includes content from Australia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Canada, Germany, Ireland, Kenya, Malaysia, the Netherlands, the U.K., and the U.S. 

As the editor of a global publication, I am aware that many of our readers and content contributors are unsafe. The continuing oppression of LGBTQ+ people, the global environmental crisis, the rise of authoritarianism in too many countries around the world—including the U.S, the horrific conflict in Israel and Palestine—and also in Ukraine, Yemen, Syria, Sudan, Ethiopia, the Congo, and far too many other places—impact our global bi+ community. My heart goes out to every person who is harmed as “leaders” wage war and commit atrocities. Everyone, everywhere deserves to live free, and I wish for all of our readers and content contributors a safe, healthy, and peaceful New Year, with full civil and human rights. I hope that BWQ provides a bit of respite in the storm.

Finally, you can meet our amazing team of interns on page 31. BWQ would not exist without them. 


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