The theme of this issue is “Pieces of the Puzzle.” Readers were asked to reflect on formative elements from their youth or early bi+ journey. “Consider toys, books, movies, media, or other influences/creative works that helped you realize you were bi+. Was there a specific influence that made you feel less alone while you were figuring things out? Reflect upon the beginning of your queer journey and write about the things that stand out to you.” We are pleased to share with you the best of what came in.
Meanwhile, here in the U.S. we had a national election, the results of which have led to direct and sustained assaults on women, immigrants, federal workers, and LGBTQIA+ people, especially transgender folks whose health care, their right to be the subject of government-funded research, and even to be mentioned on federal government websites is threatened. More broadly, diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility efforts are currently prohibited by the U.S. government, and efforts are underway to punish schools, universities, and private companies which receive federal funding or contracts (that’s most of them) that continue DEIA work.
Under these circumstances, we can’t imagine publishing an issue as though things were normal. Therefore, you will find in this issue additional writing related to current events.
As always, we welcome your support. Please consider submitting content, volunteering, and/or making a donation at the link below.
~Robyn, Avery, & Melissa