Editor’s Note: Role Models

Jun 14, 2021 | 2021 Spring- Role Models, Editor's Note

Dear Community,

The theme of this issue is “Role Models,” and it was a joy to put together. With every submission we received, we were reminded, generally and specifically, how many amazing people are in our community. We were also reminded that role models come in many forms: public and historic figures, community organizers, friends, family members, and even ourselves.

Also in this issue: an “Around the World” focus on Voces Fieras, a spoken-word poetry group in Costa Rica; information about three books: Katie Hill’s She Will Rise, Rosalie Knecht’s Who Is Vera Kelly?,and Jodi Rosenfeld’s Closer to Fine; and beautiful artwork from Cheryl Wiliams, Jo-Anne Carlson, and Carol E Moses.

Other news to report to you: our journey toward 501(c)3 nonprofit status is almost complete and—once approved—will be retroactive to late December 2020. Thus, donations to BWQ are tax deductible. (Yes, this is a hint to consider becoming a one-time donor or a monthly sustainer. We’re biwomenboston@gmail.com on Paypal)

A reminder to all that we are hosting monthly “digital brunches” and you are invited, no matter your geographic location. See page 28 for dates.

As we await a time when a vaccine is widely available around the world, it is our hope that you will experience Bi Women Quarterly as a place of joy, a shelter in the storm. Remember that you are part of a worldwide bi+ community and you are not alone.

– Robyn

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