Dec 9, 2022 | 2023 Winter - Bodily Autonomy, Privacy, & Feminism, Editor's Note

Dear Reader,

The theme of this issue is “Bodily Autonomy, Privacy, & Feminism.” Writers were asked, “With the repeal of Roe v. Wade, and the devastating loss of constitutional rights to bodily autonomy and privacy, we invite you to share your reflections both specifically and tangentially connected to this event. What has Roe v. Wade meant to you? What are your thoughts as an international observer? And what role does feminism play in your life as a bi+ person? Share your anger, sadness, hope for the future, or anything else coming up for you.”

For reasons likely related to the urgency of this theme and also to the outreach efforts of the extraordinary Josephine Kelly, we received a record number of visual art and poetry submissions. In fact, we received so much quality content that we have decided to continue this theme in a second issue, so the Spring issue will be a continuation of this theme!  

In this issue, we have representation from Australia, India, Ireland, Mexico, Poland, South Africa, and the United States. The increasing globalization of this publication is another manifestation of our forward progress.

This the first issue of our 41st year of publication! If you are interested in sending us a birthday gift to help us move forward in our fifth decade of existence, you can do so at BiWomenQuarterly.com/donate. We wouldn’t be here without you.

Enjoy the read!


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