Editor’s Note: Letters to Myself

Mar 1, 2024 | 2024 Spring - Letters to Myself, Editor's Note

This issue’s  theme is “Letters to Myself.” The prompt was: “Have you ever wished you could go back in time and give your younger self some much needed advice? Or perhaps you want to write to your future self about the moment you’re currently living in, so you don’t forget any part of it, or to  provide some advice? What if you were asked to write to your present self—what would you say?” 

Responses were thoughtful, numerous, and global. This issue includes content from Australia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Canada,  France, Mexico, the Netherlands, the Philippines, Serbia, the U.K., the U.S., and Zimbabwe from writers and artists ages 15 to 86. 

As Editor, I am very excited about the directions in which Bi Women Quarterly is growing. In addition to the amazing and growing array of contributors, we are expanding our volunteer base as well. 

Karen and Eliza have joined the editorial team.

Kass has launched us on Reddit, and Hunniya on TikTok. In addition, interns Lejla and Vincy are maintaining our presence on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Threads. Please follow us!

Would you like to be part of this project? Here are a few ways to get involved:

Donate at BiWomenQuarterly.com/donate

Volunteer to help with our GiveOutDay fundraising campaign, which takes place during the entire month of May. Email biwomeneditor@gmail.com.

We are hiring an Assistant Editor. Find details at BiWomenBoston.org/Positions.

Spread the word about our existence.


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