Editor’s Note: Never Have I Ever

Aug 5, 2021 | 2021 Summer - Never Have I Ever, Editor's Note

Dear Community,

The theme of this issue is Never Have I Ever. The prompt was: “Tell us about something you have never done. Is it something you hope to do, or something you hope to keep avoiding? If you hope to do it, what has stopped you, and do you think you will one day?”

In addition to poems and essays related to this theme, you will also find my interview with Fiona Petras from Malta in the “Around the World” column and reviews of three recent events.

Speaking of events: if you could use some community, consider joining us at our monthly “digital brunches” for bi+ women and nonbinary folks. You are invited, no matter your geographic location. Digital brunches will be held on June 13, July 10, and August 1 at 1pm Eastern Standard Time. And whatever your gender, you are invited to join us at World Bi+ Meetups. The next two are scheduled for July 11 and October 8.

Bi Women Quarterly has a global reach. We are fully aware that, while COVID affects every human on Mother Earth, its impact varies widely. Wherever you are, and wherever your community is in its struggle against COVID, it is our hope that you will experience Bi Women Quarterly as a place of joy, a shelter in the storm. Remember: You are part of a worldwide bi+ community and you are not alone.


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