
Jun 2, 2021 | 2021 Summer - Never Have I Ever, Poetry

By Amy Beth Acker

To wrap myself in surrender,
a smooth, satin sheet between
the past and
the future and

To master myself in
the gentle release, letting
go of every mistake and
misstep and misspoken word.

Can I ever dip my finger
in the sweet, sticky safety of
the infinite? And too: how
do I let go of
the desire
to be
a better

No really,
I’m asking you.

Amy Beth Acker is a psychotherapist in private practice, and her poetry has previously been published in Dear Damsels. In addition, she has written the non-fiction book, The Way of the Peaceful Woman, and has had non-fiction articles published in multiple forums, including Sanctuary Magazine, Tiny Buddha, and Elephant Journal.

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