
Feb 1, 2010 | 2010 Winter - Bisexual Health, Articles, Poetry

My own coming out poem, written in part to celebrate National Coming Out Day!

By Martina Robinson

My mother blamed women’s studies coursework, badly behaved men, and the self-loathing she assumed existed within my personal psyche for the bisexuality I confessed that summer evening on Sasha’s borrowed cell in Jana’s house a baker’s dozen summers ago.

I remember hiding afterwards unable to answer phone for three months solid for fear of being found.

I remember moving from friend’s house to friend’s house and new assistant to new assistant. One big ball of perpetual motion.

I remember thinking it would be so much easier to surrender to my mother’s will than trying to survive this way, but deciding I was simply too proud to resubmit soul to someone else’s decision making power.

Despite the hardship, that particular summer was I remember absolute joy at never having to unqueer my house, bookshelf, life again merely because the ‘rents were visiting.

Martina is a 32-year-old disabled, bisexual woman, person of faith and multi-issue activist who ran for Lieutenant Governor of Massachusetts on the Green-Rainbow Party in 2006

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