First Menage à Trois

May 1, 2019 | 2019 Spring - Firsts, Articles, Poetry

By Jane Barnes


we tried swinging two straight
couples and he was nicer than
Richard then another time
Richard was late and we three

got impatient and Don said to me
Did you ever consider… Laura?
Yes, I said, so he politely
got out of the way and she

told me just what she liked
and I described my geography
and each received what she’d
ordered just like that!

We got in the shower together.
I shook down to my toes.
What was this world I’d found?
and when Richard finally

arrived, I could only shake
my head and think I’m
in a volcano of touch.
And then we all went to see

2001. I saw nothing on the
screen. Later people would
say, Wasn’t that a fantastic
movie? I’d say yeah, it was

just fabulous. Just fabulous.

Jane is a long-time New Yorker, currently living on Staten Island.

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