From the Editor: Bisexual Health

Feb 1, 2010 | 2010 Winter - Bisexual Health, Editor's Note

Dear Reader,

The theme of this issue is “Bi Health.” Related to this theme, we offer essays by Jen Bonardi, Julie Ebin, Paige Listrud, Neelima Prabhala and Mike Szymanski.

In addition, Mizz M, a.k.a. Maria, offers a bi perspective on the National Equality March, Sarah E. Rowley reviews M+04EVR, and Martina Robinson shares a poem with us.

Our “Bis Around the World” feature takes us to Portugal, our Bi of the Month is the amazing Deb Morley, and of course, we offer our fabulous calendar of events in the Boston area.

Remember, fabulous women: this is YOUR newsletter. Please consider supporting us with your dollars (if you have any). Please read the important announcement on page 16.

And please consider writing something for the next issue!

Bi for now,


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