From your Editor: Bodies

Aug 1, 2010 | 2010 Summer - Bodies, Editor's Note

Dear Reader,

For this issue, you were invited to talk about your bodies: Body image. Gendered bodies. Bodies and health. Changing bodies. Bodies converging and merging. Bodies as objects and/or subjects of attraction. Sexuality and the body.

And you did. The submissions came pouring in. For every piece that I was able to squeeze in, there was another I was forced to put aside for future use.

This is an exciting issue, packed with creativity. You will find poetry by Cari Allen, Casey Lyons and Lividia I. Violette; stunning visual images by Joni Moore; short fiction by Lara Zielinsky and Monica Meneghetti; and essays by Marcia Deihl and Rooster Girl. Amanda Morgan reports on the BECAUSE Conference, Debbie Block-Schwenk and Lara Zielinsky review recent fiction, Katrina Chaves provides news briefs, and my “Bis Around the World” feature takes you to Israel.

I hope you enjoy reading. And please consider writing for the next issue: “Bi & Single.”


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