From your Editor: Then and Now

Aug 1, 2012 | 2012 Summer - Then and Now, Editor's Note

Dear Reader,

The theme of this issue is “Then and Now.” We present you with writing on this theme by BBWN long-timers Marcia Deihl and Sharon Gonsalves, St. Olaf College student Emma Simmet, Dallas activist Chiquita Violette and writer Carole Spearin McCauley.

Author Meredith Maran discusses her new novel, A Theory of Small Earthquakes. Janika Saul talks about being bi in Estonia. We have a double Research Corner with a piece from Jennifer Taub on coming out and a special report from Elizabeth Clark, who reports on her just-completed study on bi women in monogamous relationships. We also have a short report on the 20th BECAUSE Conference.

And, as always, there’s Ask Tiggy, News Briefs and our Calendar.

Enjoy this newsletter, and please consider adding your voice and/or artwork to the next issue of Bi Women, which will focus on “Traveling While Bi.”


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