From the Editor: Visibility

Oct 1, 2009 | 2009 Fall - Visibility, Editor's Note

Dear Reader,

The theme of this issue is “VisiBIlity.” Related to this theme, we offer essays by Lindsay and V. F., a short play by Tracy, and an article by Di on bi visibility at the LGBT Human Rights Conference in Copenhagen, July 24-27, 2009. Also on theme is Amanda’s report on the Bi Media Summit held in NYC on May 30, 2009.

In addition, Kim and Amy discuss semantics, Neelima asks, “Where’s the B in LGBT?”, Lara reviews Love You Two by Maria Pallotta-Chiarolli, and Lindsay offers us a new poem. 

Our “Bis Around the World” feature takes us to The Hague, Netherlands, our Bi of the Month is Elissa Ortiz, and of course, we offer our fabulous calendar of events in the Boston area. And for those who are curious: in addition to more than 550 subscribers in the United States, we now have subscribers in Australia, Belgium, Canada, China, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, India, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal, St. Thomas (USVI), and the UK. And our mailing list is growing!

Remember, you fabulous women: this is YOUR newsletter. Please consider supporting us with your dollars (if you have any). Please read the important announcement on page 15, and read the insert (if you’re receiving a print copy) or the attachment (if you’re receiving the electronic version). And please consider writing something for the next issue!

Bi for now,


(For info about Robyn’s speaking tours, visit her at or friend her on Facebook. Or both.)

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