From the Editors: Pick a Side

Jul 8, 2021 | 2015 Fall - Pick a Side, Editor's Note

Dear Readers,

We present in this issue an abundance of thoughtful prose and poetry on the theme “Pick a Side,” with new and returning authors S. H. G., Mary Rawson, K. R. Eggler, Chiquita Violette, Gwendolyn Fougy Henry, Toby Adams, Alice Shannon, the Rev. Francesca Bongiorno Fortunato, Sharon Gonzalves, Theresa Tyree, Allison Marie Turner, Jane Barnes, Lila Hertelius and Chelsea McNall.

Twenty-year-old Canadian writer Casey Lawrence appears in this issue twice: you will find her writing on page 6 and a review of her first novel (reviewed by Amy M. Liebowitz) on page 18!

Yossra, from Egypt, shares her powerful and heartwrenching story. You will also find art by J. D. Walker, a comic from Kate Estrop and our News Briefs and Calendar.

It’s a packed issue!

And finally, we present two job opportunities: We are grateful to Kate Estrop for serving as Calendar Editor for quite some time, but now she is stepping down. We are looking for someone to step up and take over this job, beginning with the next issue. Kate will train you and provide support as you transition into this role. Email for more info. And the Bisexual Resource Center is hiring a part-time Support Group Coordinator. Email for a more detailed description.

You can support our work with by making a donation ( It cost us approximately $1500 to produce this issue. We could sure use your help!

– Robyn & Catherine

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