From the Editors: Out at Work (or Not)

Jul 7, 2021 | 2016 Spring - Out at Work (or Not), Editor's Note

Dear Reader,

This month’s theme is “Out at Work – or Not.” According to one recent study, nearly half of bisexual people report that they are not out to any of their coworkers (49%), compared to just 24% of lesbian and gay people. For bisexual folks, being out at work can be tricky. The writings of Colleen, Hales Bopp, Diane Verrochi, Iyana James Stephenson, Andrea, Julie P, Jessica Renee, the Rev. Francesca Bongiorno Fortunato, Flash Gorski, Mitsy, Sue, Tasmin, Catherine Rock and myself provide concrete examples of just how complicated it can be to consider coming out as bi at work.

Our “Around the World” column features Jenny Kangasvuo, a Finnish academic, and we have a cartoon and artwork from Kate Estrop and Kristin Brown’s review of Surya Monro’s new book on bisexuality. And finally, as always, we bring you our New Briefs and Calendar.

If you live in the Boston area, please consider joining us at one of our upcoming bi women’s brunches on March 13, April 10 and May 21.

~ Robyn & Catherine

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