From the Editors: Partnering With Men

Jul 7, 2021 | 2016 Winter - Partnering w/ Men, Editor's Note

Dear Reader,

This month’s theme is “Partnering With Men.” We hope you enjoy the writing of Casey Lawrence, A. J. Walkley, Griffin Sierra, Gloria Jackson-Nefertiti, Zakkiyah Woods, Rev. Francesca Bongiorno Fortunato, Ellyn Ruthstrom, Robyn Walters, Jenna, S. H. G., Ellen McCammon, Jane Barnes, Theresa Tyree and Annora Borden. Our Around the World column features Aoife O’Riordan in Cork, Ireland. Tracy reports on the Out & Equal Workplace Summit, and Gwendolyn Fougy Henry and Debbie Block Schwenk tell us about a Boston-area support group for bi women who are partnered with men. There’s also the News Briefs and a Calendar of events. And last – but certainly not least – we introduce a comic strip by Why Not Both.

And please consider supporting our work. We spend about $8000 per year to create this resource FOR YOU.

Send a check to BBWN, PO Box 301727, JP MA 02130, or go to You need us. We need you.

~ Robyn & Catherine

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