From Your Editor: Bisexual Enough?

Jul 15, 2021 | 2013 Fall - Bisexual Enough?, Editor's Note

The theme for this issue is “Bisexual Enough?” Readers were asked: “Have you ever wondered — perhaps because you do not fall dead center on the Kinsey Scale or because you’ve not had actual sexual and/or relationship experience with people of a particular gender (or even perhaps with anyone at all) — whether you are bisexual enough to call yourself bisexual? Has your legitimacy as a ‘true bisexual’ ever been challenged by others? Tell us about your experiences, your interior dialogue, your conversations, your process.”

For several weeks there was nary a peep, and I wondered if I was the only person excited about this theme. Then the submissions began pouring in. We received so many good submissions that we opted to add four extra pages to this issue!

So here’s what you’ll find: essays on this theme by Laura Berol, A.J. Walkley, Sofi D., A. Rutter, Emma Jones, Lynn and A.V. Cruz; beautiful poems by Suzanne Lauer, Francesca Bongiorno Fortunato, Brittany Bell and Jane Barnes; and a short story by Kate Estrop.

Our “Around the World” feature is back, with an interview with UK academic and bi activist Meg Barker. Lauren Beach reports on the BECAUSE and BiReConUSA Conferences and Lauren Spencer reports on her visit to the White House in June for the annual LGBT Pride Reception. Katelyn Bishop reviews Shiri Eisner’s new book, Bi: Notes on a Bisexual Revolution and Ellyn shares a few words about the new Netflix series Orange is the New Black. We introduce you to the work of visual artist Ashley Shaffer. And finally, there’s Ask Tiggy, News Briefs and a rich calendar of events.

We hope you enjoy this issue.


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