I think I might be a chameleon

Mar 1, 2025 | 2025 Spring - Pieces of the Puzzle, Poetry

By Alex

think I might be a chameleon
my identities are shifting like shades in the light.
Maybe I’m a rainbow,
or maybe I’m the storm before it,
a mix of all that nature is,
earth, fire, wind, and water
just like that, undefined.

For many years, I asked myself:
Who am I? Why am I? Am I OK?
I searched inside and outside,
through mirrors and other people’s faces,
but answers slipped away like wind,
In the end, I found nothing,
There was no fixed truth.

Yet there, in nothingness,
I found something deeper, valuable,
my soul, my heart, screaming to me:
You’re okay. You are enough.
You are simply… human.
I am, simply, human!

With or without labels,
I know who I am,
and I know how to love.
And who I love, or how I dress?
That doesn’t concern you, does it?
That belongs to me.

Alex is a 28-year-old nonbinary bisexual person and human rights activist from Tuzla in Bosnia & Herzegovina. They see poetry as a form of activism and a way to express their opinion. Alex is a psychotherapist in training working directly with the community.


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