My name is Ashley Shaffer. I am Deaf. I am a woman. I am bisexual. I am a De’VIA artist. De’VIA stands for Deaf View/Image Art, a form of art in which the artist intends to express Deaf experience through visual art. I was born and raised in Baltimore, Maryland. I am proud of being all of these things!
Art has grown in my heart since I was four or five years old. It is a huge part of my life. It is who I am and it is what I love to do. I use different types of mixed media, among them Sharpie markers, prismacolor markers and paints. I express my feelings by creating powerful messages through my artwork to make people think.
Expressing myself through art is like putting a seed in the ground that will grow beautiful and unstoppable. This is one of many reasons why I draw. I love to inspire people and make their lives colorful!
You can find Ashley’s artwork online at or read about De’VIA at