Majority of Mass. Legislators Co-sponsor An Act Relative to Gender-Based Discrimination and Hate Crimes
104 of 200 Massachusetts legislators have signed on as co-sponsors of this bill which will prohibit gender-based discrimination and protect transgender people in Massachusetts. Please go to, find out how your legislator voted, thank them if they have signed on as sponsors, and ask them to vote for the bill if they have not. Help make Massachusetts a full equality state.
Here’s where we are: Six months ago, Massachusetts was the only U.S. state with marriage equality. As of May 2009, there are 5: MA, CT, VT, IA, and ME. NH is poised to be come the 6th. A tipping point, perhaps?
And in case you’re feeling lonely: Norway and Sweden have joined the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Canada, and South Africa as marriage equality countries, bringing that total to 7.

Has anyone noticed that Rachel Maddow, Keith Olbermann, Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert have been championing our causes? They’ve taken on Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, marriage equality and more.
One of my favorite clips was Stephen Colbert’s sendoff of the National Organization for Marriage’s “A Storm is Coming” anti-equality ad that hired paid [very bad!] actors to woodenly predict that gay marriage is threatening Christian values. Colbert described the original ad as “like watching the 700 Club and the Weather Channel at the same time.”
And Rachel Maddow has taken full aim at Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, with poignant interviews of individuals who have been discharged from the military for coming out as gay.
For those of you who are not already hooked, Rachel Maddow and Keith Olbermann have shows on MSNBC; and Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert are on Comedy Central. Maddow is an out and proud–and VERY, VERY hot–lesbian.