Not Yet, But Maybe Soon

Jun 2, 2021 | 2021 Summer - Never Have I Ever, Poetry

By KimtheBwordpoet

I haven’t felt what it’s like to hold her hand.
Know how our fingers will connect when our hands come together.
Brush up against her shoulder for attention.

I would love to touch her nose. Boop!
See her smile reach from ear to ear.
Run my fingers in her hair.

I want to pamper her beautiful feet.
Kiss her full lips.
Lie beside her and stare into her eyes.

I imagine our nights.
I’ll laugh at YouTube. She’ll cry from Netflix.
We’ll fall asleep after reading Chapter Five of our new favorite romance novel.

I hope my cat will not take long to love her too.
Perhaps her pet will also quickly adjust.
The friendships we brought along will be put to the ultimate test.

I think I would constantly remark on how lucky I am.
That there’s no longer “Why Can’t That Be Me?”
There’s “Thank You for Sending Her to Me.”

I long to really tell my coworkers about our weekend for once.
Hear her laugh awkwardly as my parents try to wrap their heads around her.
Be that couple standing side by side with the “I’m With Her” t-shirts on at Pride.

I haven’t experienced this life of love before
And never have I ever wanted these things more
Now in the 40s of my earthly timeline.

KimtheBwordpoet is a bi Poet and writer from Cleveland, Ohio. She runs Bisexual Initiative of Ohio, an up-and-coming organization for Bisexual and Pansexual Ohioans, and is a member of Alpha Zeta Gamma Sorority, a bisexual women’s non-collegiate sorority, and is the new Storytelling Coordinator for Still Bisexual, an organization dedicated to sharing the stories of bisexual people everywhere.

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