Sapphic Solace

Sep 1, 2024 | 2024 Fall - Child Free

Artist Statement: “Sapphic Solace” by Nicole Miyashiro, (2024, mixed media collage) incorporates journal clippings, snips of personal papers (cards, crafting scraps, my son’s nature magazines, etc.), and touches of Sharpie ink. It emerged from an adamant freedom to want, to need, to seek, to savor, to celebrate, and to share affection with a woman—that rides a fluid and blended current of eroticism and nurturance alongside, not against, all the varied currents of my deep and loving relationships.

Nicole Miyashiro writes short forms, and this is her first published and publicly displayed visual art piece. It was shown in June 2024 in her hometown of State College, Pennsylvania at their Pride Community Art Project, Each Piece Belongs. In photo, Nicole is at left with friends, Liz and Miranda, at State College Pride.

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