Scene Queen

Mar 1, 2025 | 2025 Spring - Pieces of the Puzzle

By Sophie Rose

ARTIST STATEMENT: Despite knowing the terms lesbian and gay since early childhood, I was only introduced to the term bisexual at the age of 13, when I was immersed into the scene/emo subculture. This was one reason I had the confidence to come out a short time later. In the scene, being bi wasn’t considered dirty, greedy, or immoral—it was cool. People were encouraged to reject gender norms in their relationships, as well as through fashion. Women dressed in baggy band shirts, and had short, choppy hair. Men sported nail polish and eyeliner. 

That community gave me a sense of safety and belonging that followed me throughout my queer journey. Without it, I don’t know if I’d be the same confident, loud and proud bi woman that I am today. 

Sophie Rose is an illustrator living in Southport, U.K.

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