Second Baby, First Awakening

May 1, 2019 | 2019 Spring - Firsts, Articles, Poetry

By Beth Innis

Being attracted to all genders never seemed weird
Especially if I never spoke of it
Being attracted to all genders never seemed odd
Especially if I married a man
Being attracted to all genders never seemed strange
Especially if I had little straight children


Shortly after my second daughter was born
Suddenly life seemed incredibly short
Shortly after my second daughter was born
Suddenly authenticity seemed paramount
Shortly after my second daughter was born
Suddenly bisexuality wasn’t an option but a necessity


Trying to explain this revolution was tough
Especially to my husband and partner in crime
Trying to explain this revolution came with pain
Especially to my family who didn’t see it coming
Trying to explain this revolution burned some bridges
Especially to friends who couldn’t bend their minds


Living this revolution after I first woke up
Was worth it every single day
Living this revolution after I first came out
Opened up my eyes to others who felt like siblings
Living this revolution after I first asked for help
Will make my family’s story more complete

Beth Innis is a bisexual woman married to man with two daughters, two dogs, one cat, and one chicken. She is a veterinarian and small business owner in the Boston area.

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