Show me what you want: a trip to Good Vibrations

Jul 8, 2021 | 2015 Summer - Toy Stories, Poetry

By Lani Ka’ahumanu, 1989


She went right for the dildos,

I stopped at the card section, knowing that someone I knew

would walk through the door at any moment.

She asked many questions,

I acted cool and casual testing massage lotions,

She went into the dressing room to try on a harness,

I moved as far away as I could to the book section,

She came out with a big smile on her face and said,

“Come here and show me what you want!”

I thought I was going to die…


By the time we got home I was very excited.

I ran to the bedroom and tore open the bag,

spilling the contents onto our bed.

She checked the answering machine and put water on for tea.

I loved it – dildo, harness, lube, gloves, plastic wrap, and condoms!

We were ready for anything and everything.

As I lit the candles and got undressed I began to wonder

what she was doing. I found her in the kitchen,

and told her to come to the bedroom.

I was ready to show her what I wanted.

I thought she was going to die…

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