
Dec 2, 2021 | 2022 Winter - Traditions, Poetry

By Kristin Turner

Growing up, raised as an only child…
Holidays mostly spent with family in New York…
Born in Boston, MA…
Favorite New York relative my TaTa…
My Vito…
My Step Grandfather…
Every trip down to my Grandma’s Coop, he would surprise me, showing up unexpectedly…
Building memories, I will cherish for my entire life…
My Ta Ta, My Vito, My Step Grandfather…
Made me feel like a princess…
He always took me for ice cream, the biggest size you could order…with endless toppings…the same local ice cream parlor each time…
My Ta Ta, My Vito, My Step Grandfather…
Would take me to eat at this cool old school restaurant…
Which served kids’ meals in cardboard pink Cadillac-shaped box…
Which convinced me that I want to own a pink Cadillac one day…
My Ta Ta, My Vito, My Step Grandfather…
Always held my hand as we walked down the streets of Port Washington…big smiles on both our faces…
My Ta Ta, My Vito, My Step Grandfather…
Always pushing me as high as possible on the swing…as he pushed he would hum a tune…
My Ta Ta, My Vito, My Step Grandfather…
Taught me to make the most of every moment, to smile and spread kindness wherever life leads you…

Kristin Turner is 30, bisexual, and a single stay-at-home mom to a wonderful 11-year-old daughter. For fun she loves to draw, paint, and write poetry about her life experiences.

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