
Mar 1, 2025 | 2025 Spring - Pieces of the Puzzle

By Kaye Devlynne

ARTIST STATEMENT: My art is a raw reflection of my personal journey—a journey shaped by struggles that have often been misunderstood, minimized, or ignored. Through my work, I aim to expose the truths of what it means to be a woman facing unjust barriers, to challenge the silence surrounding sexual abuse, to reclaim agency over my body after an eating disorder, and to embrace my bisexuality as a part of my identity.

Kaye Devlynne lives in the greater Indianapolis area of the U.S. where, professionally, she quarterbacks the fast-paced, high stress world of business acquisitions. Kaye is fiercely protective of time spent where she evolves most as a person: her children, spouse, and art.

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